this is one of Eli and Sonny's games they play, and they call it "Ghostesses." It's really fun to see them play well together, and when they play ghostesses, Sonny walks around following Eli, and he bumps into corners of walls and such. It's pretty funny.
We go to the zoo a lot because it is really close to our apartment. We can actually hear the moneys sometimes when we're on walks at our apartment. Eli and Sonny love the carousel, and it works effectively as bribes when needed. I know that's not the best parenting technique, but it can come in handy.
This is Eli and Sonny in the first apartment we lived in down here. We only lived there a month, and we call it "our stinky apartment." There were bad smells lingering in the cupboards--I think they were coming from the apartment next door through the thin walls or something. All these pictures are from last fall, because our newer ones were on Jordan's laptop which broke when our cute little dog (we had him for two weeks, and realized we didn't want another toddler in the house) bit the laptop cord, and fried the whole thing. The dog was okay, but the all the stuff on the laptop is irretrievable.
p.s. ESOL is English for Speakers of Other Languages.
#DarlyFacesFears, and Facing Failure
7 years ago